Join industry leaders for a full day of corrosion education and hands-on demonstrations. Explore cutting-edge solutions, best practices, and research findings to protect and extend the life of concrete and steel structures. Network with peers, gain actionable insights, and earn professional development hours.
Agenda Highlights:
Don’t miss this opportunity to advance your knowledge and professional skills in corrosion prevention and protection Register now to secure your spot
7:00 – 8:00 AM – Registration, Tabletop visits, Networking
8:00 – 8:15 AM – Introductions & Kick off
8:15 – 9:05AM – Evaluation of ECE, FRP, and Sealers for Corrosion Mitigation in Reinforced Concrete Bridges (Paul Pilarski, MnDOT and Mark Chuavin, WJE)
9:05 – 10:00 AM – Galvanic Anodes & Cathodic Protection (Nick Drews, Vector Corrosion Technologies)
10:00 – 10:30 AM – Hands On Demonstrations – Measuring & Detecting Corrosion (Nick Drews, Vector Corrosion Technologies, Bijan Mahbaz, InspecTerra, Inc.)
10:30 – 10:45 – BREAK & Visit Tabletops
10:45 – 11:45 AM – Corrosion of Steel Reinforced Concrete – Causes & Prevention (Andrew M Jones, Evonik and Atri Rungta, Evonik)
11:45 – 12:30 – LUNCH & Awards
12:30 – 1:30 – iCAMM Technology: A Unique, Easy to Operate, Safe & Efficient Solution for Corrosion Detection (Bijan Mahbaz, InspecTerra, Inc.)
1:30 – 2:30 – Extending the Service Life of Dockside Condominiums with a Combination of Advanced Cathodic Protection (Charlie Sault, No Corrosion LLC (NOCO))
Event Information
Evaluation of ECE, FRP, and Sealers for Corrosion Mitigation in Reinforced Concrete Bridges
Paul Pilarski, MnDOT and Mark Chauvin, WJE
Corrosion Research was initiated in 1997 to investigate new strategies for corrosion mitigation that were implemented on the substructures of a bridge structure located in Minneapolis. In 2018, after approximately 20 years of continued service, follow-up research was conducted to assess the long-term effectiveness of the strategies implemented. This presentation will summarize the findings of the research.
Paul Pilarski: Paul is a Bridge Construction and Scoping Engineer with the Bridge Office of the Minnesota Department of Transportation. Paul joined MnDOT in 2010 after working in the bridge design world for about 10 years following completion of his Master’s degree at the University of Minnesota.
Mark Chauvin: Mark is a Principal at WJE and currently serves as the Unit Manager of the Minneapolis office. Mark joined WJE in 1999 and, since that time, has developed significant experience investigating a wide variety of structural problems in building and bridges including corrosion-related damage in reinforced concrete structures.
Galvanic Anodes and Cathodic Protection
Nick Drews, Vector Corrosion Technologies
This presentation will take you back through the history to Cathodic Protection beginnings and move into covering Corrosion basics 101. Following that, the discussion will move into current design guides and codes while touching on the current best known Cathodic Protection design practices to halt corrosion well into the future.
Nick Drews: Nick is the Business Development Manager for Vector Corrosion Technologies with a background in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering from the University of Minnesota. Nick spent several years with Vector’s Research and Development Team prior to joining the Business Group in 2021.
Corrosion of Steel Reinforced Concrete – Causes and Prevention
Andrew M Jones, Evonik and Atri Rungta, Evonik
The presentation provides detailed information on the electrochemical process which causes steel corrosion in concrete. The relationship between concrete quality, design, protective systems and corrosion initiation will be presented. The presentation will also include a brief description of the ICRI 510 document on corrosion.
Andrew Jones: Business Manager, Building Protection North America BL Smart Effects.
Atri Rungta, PhD: Senior Scientist/Technical Marketing Manager, Building Protection Evonik Corporation, Piscataway, NJ. Atri holds a PhD in Polymer Science from Rensselaer Polytech Institute.
iCAMM Technology: A Unique, Easy to Operate, Safe and Efficient Solution for Corrosion Detection
Bijan Mahbaz, InspecTerra, Inc.
This presentation will review the development of a novel methodology known as iCAMM, designed for detecting corrosion in metallic objects under insulation (UCI), which is primarily applied to the condition assessment of infrastructure.
Bijan Mahbaz, P.Eng., Ph.D: is the Co-founder and CEO of InspecTerra Inc. He holds a Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of Waterloo and earned his Master’s degree from the University of Tehran, where he served as a research assistant for two years. With twenty years of experience in the oil and gas industry across Canada, Iran, East Asia, the Middle East, and Europe, he has refined his skills as a project manager in various aspects of geophysical surveys and non-destructive testing.
Extending the Service Life Dockside Condominiums with a Combination of Advanced Cathodic Protection.
Charlie Sault, No Corrosion, LLC (NoCo)
This presentation is an overview of the Dockside Condominium project.
Registration for a Table Top display is included in the benefits of MN Platinum Sponsorship.