Kim Deibel

Kim Deibel

Kim Deibel

Board Member at Large

Name: Kimberly Deibel

Employer: Braun Intertec

ICRI Committee: Board Member at Large


Education: Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering

Years of Industry Experience: 19

MN ICRI Relevant Experience: 

Kim Deibel is a Professional Engineer in the State of Minnesota with 18 years of experience. She graduated from Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI with a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering. She works at Braun Intertec Corporation as the Structure Sciences Technical Manager. Her primary focus is structural condition assessments and material testing (destructive and non-destructive).

How long have you been involved with ICRI?
I have been a member and on the board of ICRI Minnesota Chapter for 9 years.

Why are you a member of ICRI?
I have learned so much from the members and it’s a great source for networking.

What do you do when you are not working?
Running, Hiking and spending time with my family.